Click here for our coronavirus safety measures

Changes to Infection Prevention & Control

The removal of face coverings in healthcare waiting rooms, receptions and offices

This month we are delighted to welcome the new guidance from Public Health England which allows some flexibility to managing Covid in our practices.

From June 2022 we are now longer requiring our patients and staff to wear face coverings in our receptions, communal areas or offices, after thoroughly risk assessing our practices. It is your choice whether to wear mask if you wish.

You will also notice that we have removed our Perspex partitions at the reception desks, allowing us to communicate more effectively with you.

We assure you, we still have robust Infection Prevention & Control policies and procedures in place, to keep you safe during your time in the practice. We have assessed risk, and will continue to screen all our patients prior to their dental visit, keeping those most vulnerable safe.

Our team continue to test for Covid 19 twice weekly, and are provided with essential PPE for all clinical procedures and settings.

We will continue to replenish our hand hygiene stations for your use, you will see these available around the practice. We will also continue to comply with our vigorous cleaning schedule and monitor its compliance by regular audit and review.

Our risk assessments will be reviewed regularly and processes may change if local outbreaks in our town/region occur. We will adjust our procedures accordingly and inform you prior to your visit.

We are so proud of our patients and team of the continued efforts and sacrifices they have made over the Pandemic, and are looking forward to the ‘new normal’ moving forward

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Information for Patients

Christmas Opening Times & Emergency Arrangements

We are closed from Tuesday 24th December at 12pm until Tuesday 2nd January and will re-open at 8.45am.

If you have a dental emergency that cannot wait until our return, we will be holding an emergency clinic on the following days:-

Friday 27th December from 10am-12noon at 188 Dock Street, Fleetwood, FY7 6LT

Monday 30th December from 10am-12noon at 2 Brighton Avenue, Cleveleys, FY5 2AA

Tuesday 31st December from 10am-12noon at 188 Dock Street, Fleetwood, FY7 6LT


For advice and treatment outside of these hours please phone The Lancashire Dental Helpline on 0300 1234 010.

If you have any symptoms of a respiratory infection or feel unwell for any reason, please do inform a member of our team and we can manage your appointment accordingly.

For advice and treatment outside of our normal working hours please phone The Lancashire Dental Helpline on 0300 1234 010.

We have provided some emergency care advice for our patients to help:

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