Click here for our coronavirus safety measures

Safeguarding Policy

Health professionals have a duty to recognise and take responsibility for safeguarding children, young people and adults and use appropriate systems for identifying, sharing information, recording, raising concerns, obtaining advice and taking action.

All our team are appropriately trained to recognise possible signs of abuse and neglect or to hear something that causes concerns.

Children’s Appointments

It is important for your child/children to attend their dental appointments regularly so we can identify signs of dental disease or disorder quickly and treat them effectively. If your child is not brought to their appointments their dental health may suffer as a result.

We have a duty to contact you if your child is not brought to their dental appointments and may share this information with other health care professionals.

Information Sharing
Where there are concerns about the safety of a child, the sharing of information in a timely and effective manner between organisations can reduce the risk of harm. GDPR forms part of the data protection regime in the UK, together with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018). Whilst the DPA 2018 places duties on organisations and individuals to process personal information fairly and lawfully, it is not a barrier to sharing information where the failure to do so would result in a child or vulnerable adult being placed at risk of harm, or where the public interest served outweighs the public interest served by protecting confidentiality – for example, where a serious crime may be prevented. Similarly, human rights concerns, such as respecting the right to a private and family life would not prevent sharing where there are real safeguarding concerns.

The appointed Safeguarding Lead at the practice is Andrea Watson. Tel: 01253 774350

Contact numbers for raising a concern

Wyre & Fylde Children & Adults Team – Tel: 0300 123 6720
Wyre & Fylde Children / Adults Team – Out of Hours – Tel: 0845 602 1043
Police Protection Unit – Tel: 01772 614444 or in an Emergency – Tel: 999

Information for Patients

Covid-19 and Dental Services

We are committed to protecting our staff and patients, and continue to maintain our high standards of Infection Control within the practice.

If you have any symptoms of a respiratory infection or feel unwell for any reason, please do inform a member of our team and we can manage your appointment accordingly.

Facemasks are no longer mandatory in communal areas, such as waiting rooms and receptions, but you can opt to wear one if you choose to.

For advice and treatment outside of our normal working hours please phone The Lancashire Dental Helpline on 0300 1234 010.

We have provided some emergency care advice for our patients to help:

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